Becky Wright
I am a ceramic artist living and working in South Portland. As a lifelong Mainer I spent the seasons watching the changes in the landscapes, the sea, and always have had a connection with the earth. I spent my formative years living on a small farm in Vassalboro, where I collected eggs from our chickens, patted the neighbor’s cows, climbed trees, and went swimming in nearby lakes.
I fondly remembers making crafts at the kitchen table with my mother, paints, glue, needle and thread, paper and pictures spread before them. These are the roots of my artistic life. These experiences later influenced my work with clay and focus on ceramic art in schooling. The colors and lines of Maine landscapes, the ocean and skylines have always been an inspiration with my art.
I’ve been a professional potter for over 25 years. In 2016 I took the leap and left teaching art to children to become a full time potter. I love to travel and enjoy a book on the beach, a delicious meal with family and precious time on the couch with my two cats. My husband and I enjoy canoeing, and being near the water where I love to draw in my sketchbook, look at birds through my binoculars, or sit in quiet.
Becky Pottery
South Portland, Maine